Welcome to DeKalb Prenatal Massage! If you find yourself in serious pain or discomfort during pregnancy which is disrupting your daily life, you have come to the right place! With our in-depth knowledge and expertise, we help you alleviate your aches and pains that occur before, during and after pregnancy using personalized massage therapy techniques
just for you.
When you visit DeKalb Prenatal Massage, we take our time to create a very customized massage session tailored to fit your unique and individualized needs. Our specialized bolstering systems and tables help provide the maximum amount of comfort possible, not typically found in other establishments in the area. This allows you to experience the best outcome for your desired goals and expectations. You are able to recharge, restore and renew, all through therapeutic massage and return to your daily life, pain-free. Our priority is to provide real-time results, keep you safe, and educate you on how to maintain a pain-free journey through motherhood, no matter what stage or condition you're in.
The easiest and fastest way to make an appointment is by using our online scheduling feature by CLICKING HERE to see our availability, and to schedule your appointment with ease. If you need any assistance, or if we can answer any questions, please call 815-751-6581. For faster response, text us. Please be sure to leave a message if we are unable to answer your call to receive a callback.
If you'd like to set up a session for your loved one, please click here to purchase a gift certificate. Gift certificates are sold in any denomination you wish and are used just like cash.
Thank you for voting for us as:
"One of the Best"
for DeKalb County
in the
Massage Therapy
Women's Health
category for:
2019, 2020, and 2021!!!

Hello, I'm Amy! I graduated from Cortiva Institute in Chicago back in 2009. I have worked on thousands of clients over the past decade, and I have found that expecting mothers have the most difficulty gaining safe massage therapy treatments that aren't readily available or well known. My mission is to empower and assist all mothers in their journey. That includes mothers-to-be, nursing mothers, grieving mothers, mothers struggling to conceive as well as helping nurture their tiny humans who make our world a better place while utilizing the best massage therapy techniques out there, specific to women in their childbearing years. Prenatal massage therapy has become my passion because as a woman who suffered pain throughout her own pregnancy without relief, I know that I can help others not go through the same thing I did, 17 years ago. I now have twin daughters, who are teenagers and I enjoy spending my time doing what I love... working with my amazing clients and hanging out with my girls.